Legislative Branch
Student Government Association Legislative Branch
2024-2025 Senate
Name | Position | ||
Grace Anthony | Freshman Forum Advisor and Senator | ganthony@smxjjl.com |
Nicole Ballenger | Freshman Forum Advisor | kballenger@smxjjl.com | |
Olivia Britton | Chief of Staff | obritton@smxjjl.com | |
Eleanor Fitz | Pro-Tempore | efitz@smxjjl.com | |
Skyler Saunders | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advocate | ssaunders@smxjjl.com | |
Thea Sommer | Communications Director | tsommer@smxjjl.com |
Kinsey Plunkett |
Historian |
rplunkett@smxjjl.com |
Academic Affairs Committee
Jada Winston | Chair | jwinston1@smxjjl.com | |
Picture Coming Soon | Anna Gottman | Senator | agottman@smxjjl.com |
Hollie Hardin | Senator | hhardin4@smxjjl.com | |
Grayson Murray | Senator | gmurray2@smxjjl.com | |
Picture Coming Soon | Damari Moore | Senator | dmoore20@smxjjl.com |
Sophia Thompson | Senator | sthompson25@smxjjl.com |
Budget Oversight Committee
Will Cantrell | Chair | wcantrell@smxjjl.com | |
Carina Estrada | Senator | cestrada@smxjjl.com | |
Matt Hanback | Senator | mhanback1@smxjjl.com | |
Ian McCuiston | Senator | imccuiston@smxjjl.com | |
Caroline White | Senator | cwhite23@smxjjl.com |
Elections and Recruitment Committee
Alex Rhoades | Chair | arhoades@smxjjl.com | |
Amelia Joyner | Senator | ajoyner2@smxjjl.com | |
Bailey Luna | Senator | bluna1@smxjjl.com | |
Nataly Serrano | Senator | nserrano@smxjjl.com | |
Bailee Strait | Senator | bstrait@smxjjl.com |
Legislative Affairs Committee
Victoria Hamilton | Chair | vhamilton1@smxjjl.com | |
Sydney Kate Ervin | Senator | servin@smxjjl.com | |
Micheal Gilliland | Senator | mgilliland1@smxjjl.com | |
Meadow McDonald | Senator | mmcdonald8@smxjjl.com | |
Picture Coming Soon | Vacant | Senator | sgapresident@smxjjl.com |
Ellie Vezina | Senator | evezina@smxjjl.com |
Student Welfare Committee
Gracyn Thomas | Chair | gthomas4@smxjjl.com | |
Picture Coming Soon | Alanis Armstead | Senator | aarmstead4@smxjjl.com |
Mackenzie Mwaura | Senator | mmwaura@smxjjl.com | |
Carmel Kalombo | Senator | ckalombo@smxjjl.com | |
Picture Coming Soon | Erica Strickland | Senator | estrickland3@smxjjl.com |
Picture Coming Soon | Morgan Vincent | Senator | mvincent2@smxjjl.com |
Picture Coming Soon | Vacant | Senator | sgapresident@smxjjl.com |